Words with Only 1 Morse Symbol

Posted on Mon 17 February 2020 in misc

Morse code is a method to encode text as a sequence of dots and dashes. This raises a question: what words can be encoded using only dots or only dashes?

There are 3 valid letters for each symbol:

1 2 3
Dots E (.) I (..) S (...)
Dashes T (-) M (--) O (---)

Using the incredible Nutrimatic linguistics tools we can find common words or phrases that use only (E,I,S) or (T,M,O).


Word Morse
sees ... . . ...
i see .. ... . .
is .. ...
isis .. ... .. ...


Word Morse
motto -- --- - - ---
too - --- ---
mom -- --- --
moot -- --- --- -

Complete Morse Code Chart

Morse Code Chart
